Undiscovered, unexplored, exotic and unique Macedonia remains the only spot in Europe that has been forgotten and unspoiled. The ancient times has chosen Macedonia to create and destroy empires, to enrich the land with natural beauties and become the crossroad of many ancient civilizations. It is a conjunction of history, tradition and culture, a place that combines different religions and different nations in one historical evolution. From the gods of mount OLYMPUS, to the great domination of ALEXANDER the great, from the existence of the Roman empire, to the birth of the Cyrillic alphabet, from the great conquest of the byzantine empire to the TRIUMPHS of the famous ottoman empire, this is what the Macedonia represents. The birth place of one of mostfamous Nobel Prize winners 7 humanitarian , Mother Teresa, Macedonia, is a combination of the ancient and the old with the modern and new. Allow your imagination to explore and experience the centuries of creating a unique place that will take your breath away. Explore the churches and the temples, the mosques and the basilicas, enjoy the ancient archeology and artifacts, experience the rituals and traditions of this unique place called simply “MACEDONIA”.